187 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Learning of Fuzzy Rules for Regression

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    The objective of this PhD Thesis is to design Genetic Fuzzy Systems (GFS) that learn Fuzzy Rule Based Systems to solve regression problems in a general manner. Particularly, the aim is to obtain models with low complexity while maintaining high precision without using expert-knowledge about the problem to be solved. This means that the GFSs have to work with raw data, that is, without any preprocessing that help the learning process to solve a particular problem. This is of particular interest, when no knowledge about the input data is available or for a first approximation to the problem. Moreover, within this objective, GFSs have to cope with large scale problems, thus the algorithms have to scale with the data

    Reconstructing a Carboniferous inferred coral–alcyonarian association using a biomineralogical approach

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    The taxonomic assignation and ecological implications of the genus Syringoalcyon Termier & Termier, 1945 have been a palaeontological problem for a long time. Carboniferous material from Morocco and Spain has been studied using a biomineralogical approach by means of petrographic microscopy, SEM, AFM, EMPA and CIP microscopy analysis. Detailed morphological, structural, chemical composition and crystallographic data enable a deeper understanding of the nature of Syringoalcyon. The coral walls and the so-called epithecal scales exhibit conspicuous differences in microstructure (lamellae and holacanthine fibres in the coral vs. single crystal in scales), nanostructure (pill-shaped vs. granule-shaped nanocrystals), composition (LMC vs. HMC) and crystallographic orientation. The results of these analyses imply that Syringoalcyon is an association between the tabulate coral Syringopora and an epibiont. They also suggest that the epibiont was an alcyonarian (a rare occurrence in the fossil record) that was attached to the syringoporoid. This work highlights the utility of the biomineralizational approaches for solving palaeontological problems, such as systematic affinities, and for advancing knowledge of the evolution of biocrystallization processes.Financial support through the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (research project CGL2012-30922BTE) and Complutense University Research Group (910231). Ismael Coronado acknowledges financial support through a FPI-UCM grant and the Synthesys grant FR-TAF-2397 developed in MNHN (Paris, France).Peer reviewe

    Energía geotérmica de muy baja entalpía para calentamiento de agua de piscinas y refrigeración en el complejo deportivo municipal de Parquesol

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    El complejo polideportivo es propiedad del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Valladolid y está gestionado por la Fundación Municipal de Deportes de Valladolid (FMD), situado éste en la Calle Adolfo Miaja de la Muela, parc. 17, Valladolid La energía necesaria del complejo deportivo se obtiene a través de la energía solar térmica, con el apoyo de calderas de gas.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaIngeniero Técnico Industrial, Especialidad en Mecánic

    Toxic metals from atmospheric particulate matter in food species of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) used in urban gardening. A closed chamber study

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    In this work, two plant foods, strawberry and tomato, were subjected to exposure to metals from synthetic airborne particles in a closed chamber experiment. The synthetic particles were obtained in the laboratory. Within the closed chamber, particles were added and recirculated for 4 days in a turbulent air stream, causing deposition on the different parts of the plants. They were evaluated because of their increasingly frequent cultivation in urban gardens of cities. The main objectives were to determine whether the species accumulate metals significantly, which species accumulate the most, and in which parts of the plant. Finally, an attempt was made to differentiate the accumulation of pollutants by surface deposition on leaves and fruits from the adsorbed metals into the leaf or the fruit by their stomata or cuticles. The concentration of heavy metals was quantified in fruits, leaves and the soil after exposure. Metals were evaluated as a whole and individually, both in dry and fresh weight basis. The decrease of particulate matter and metals in the air inside the chamber was also studied in order to evaluate the use of both food species as air purifier by vertical gardens. The concentration of metals in plants (mg kg− 1 ) and airborne particles (mg m− 3 ) was measured by microwave plasma optical emission spectroscopy (MP-AES). For the sake comparison of total amount of metals in the samples concentrations were normalized. Strawberries was the food species that accumulated the largest amount of metals. In a dry weight basis, tomato leaves and strawberry fruits were the parts of the plants with higher accumulation capacity of particles and metals. The potential toxic elements Cd, Ni and Cr in tomato leaves and in strawberry fruits had a higher presence in the interior of the plant system. In a fresh weight basis, the strawberry fruit had the most accumulation capacity for metals.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - UNSE15-CE-2845, P2016/70

    El arte románico de la Catedral de Jaca

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    La Catedral de Jaca es un monumento románico de capital importancia a nivel aragonés, español y europeo que fue construido en distintas etapas y, aunque el comienzo de las obras tuvo lugar en la segunda mitad del siglo XI, el templo ha ido evolucionando hasta la Edad Contemporánea hasta adquirir el aspecto que tiene hoy. Está profusamente decorada escultóricamente tanto en el tímpano, como en los capiteles como en otras zonas del edificio con motivos tanto religiosos como políticos, vegetales, animales, mitológicos o de origen todavía desconocido; algunos parecen agruparse en torno a un mismo programa mientras que otros son independientes. Tanto su arquitectura como su decoración responden a unos usos litúrgicos que ha ido evolucionando a lo largo de los años

    Monitoring variance by EWMA charts with time varying smoothing parameter

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    Memory charts like EWMA-S² or CUSUM-S² can be designed to be optimal to detect a specific shift in the process variance. However, this feature could be a serious inconvenience since, for instance, if the charts are designed to detect small shift, then, they can be inefficient to detect moderate or large shifts. In the literature, several alternatives have been proposed to overcome this limitation, like the use of control charts with variable parameters or adaptive control charts. This paper proposes new adaptive EWMA control charts for the dispersion (AEWMA-S²) based on a timevarying smoothing parameter that takes into account the potential misadjustment in the process variance. The obtained control charts can be interpreted as a combination of EWMA control charts designed to be efficient for different shift values. Markov chain procedures are established to analyse and design the proposed charts. Comparisons with other adaptive and traditional control charts show the advantages of the proposals

    Why coverage matters: Invisibility of agricultural research from the Global South may be an obstacle to development

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    Document publicat com a post en el blog _Leiden Madtrics_ (https://www.leidenmadtrics.nl/) del CWTS de la Leiden University. URL: https://www.leidenmadtrics.nl/articles/why-coverage-matters-invisibility-of-agricultural-research-from-the-global-south-may-be-an-obstacle-to-developmentTo support development and sustainability in the Global South, contextual and locally appropriate knowledge on agriculture needs to be visible and accessible. Improving journal coverage in global open scholarly infrastructures can play a crucial role in increasing visibility. We have conducted a small study using the MIAR portal of the ‘Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals’ of the University of Barcelona in order to make a rough estimate of the journal coverage of various bibliographic databases

    How to build a brand-oriented family firm: The impact of socioemotional wealth (SEW) dimensions

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    Producción CientíficaLiterature has recently increased its attention on brand management in family firms. Blurring boundaries between family and business, divergent interests of family and non-family members, or a peculiar strategic decision-making framework in which the family’s socioemotional wealth (SEW) may be prioritized make brand management particularly complex. We contribute to the literature through a pioneering study of the benefits of brand orientation for family firm performance, and by examining how the different SEW dimensions drive the adoption of a brand-oriented culture in this kind of firm. Empirical findings from a representative sample of 120 Chilean family firms reveal the positive impact on brand orientation of binding social ties, renewal of family bonds, and identification with the family firm, and confirm that brand orientation enhances performance. Brand orientation thus emerges as a key, yet hitherto neglected, mediating factor to reconcile SEW preservation with economic performance, which entails relevant theoretical and managerial implications.Junta de Castilla y León - FEDER [VA219P20]Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad [PID2021-123004NB-I00

    Factores condicionantes de la sostenibilidad como una dimensión estratégica del desarrollo turístico mexicano

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    This paper proposes the Delphi analysis to identify and analyze the key factors of sustainability in Mexicoʼs present tourism-development model. The importance of the results is due to the fact that sustainability has become a central aspect in the competitiveness of any tourism destination. In this sense, Mexicoʼs current shortfalls may limit the role of tourism in the economic development of the country. So, the definition of the sustainability factors in Mexico leads to the design and implementation of strategies to overcome such situation.A través del análisis Delphi, en este trabajo se identifican y analizan los principales condicionantes de la sostenibilidad del actual modelo de desarrollo turístico mexicano. La importancia de los resultados obtenidos radica en que la sostenibilidad se ha convertido en un factor clave en la capacidad de competir de cualquier destino turístico, y México presenta actualmente serios déficit en este aspecto, lo que, a su vez, puede constreñir la contribución del turismo al desarrollo económico del país. De ahí que conocer los factores que condicionan la sostenibilidad del turismo mexicano contribuya al diseño e implementación de estrategias para superar esta situación

    Characterization of patients with postoperative pancreatic fistula after pancreaticoduodenectomy

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    Introduction: The cephalic pancreaticoduodenectomy is one of the most complex procedures in general surgery. The postoperative pancreatic fistula is the main cause of cephalic pancreaticoduodenectomy´s morbidity and the most dangerous one. Objective: To characterized the patients with postoperative pancreatic fistula after pancreaticoduodenectomy. Methods: An observational, descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study was made in the Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery Service of the Medical-Surgical Research Center, between 2008 and 2020. 54 patients were selected for been treated with cephalic pancreaticoduodenectomy from those, 12 patients with postoperative pancreatic fistula were taken as sample. Descriptive Statistics techniques were used to calculate absolute frequency, percentage, media, extreme values and standard deviation. Results: The postoperative pancreatic fistula occurred in 12 cases for a 22,2 % of all patients. The mean age of was 61 years old, and the ratio female: male was 1:2. The Types A and B were the most frequently fistula with 5 cases each one and the clinically relevant postoperative pancreatic fistula was and 58,4 % of all cases. Conclusions: The postoperative pancreatic fistula is presented in patients older than 60-years-old and mostly man. Only a few presented severe clinical manifestations due to the fistula. It is not occurred in patient treated for benign diseases
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